London French Patisserie & Experience

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Sicilian Lemon Macarons


For the macarons shells, please refer to this recipe

For approximately 30 macarons


  • 113g eggs

  • 100g caster sugar

  • 80g fresh lemon juice

  • 4g zest of unwaxed lemon

  • 175g slightly salted butter

  • 50g almond flour


  1. Make your own lemon juice

  2. Rub sugar with the zest

  3. Mix in a bowl the eggs, sugar and lemon juice

  4. Bring the mixture to 83/84°C using bain-marie technique and keep stirring

  5. When the mix is about (60°C) add the butter

  6. Stir until you get an homogenous mixture

  7. Add the almond and stir until the mixture is homogenous

  8. Blend with a hand bendler for 10min

  9. Pour the cream in a recipient

  10. Put a clear film over the surface of the filling and keep in the fridge overnight before using
