London French Patisserie & Experience

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Pistachio Ganache For Macarons


For approximately 30 macarons


  • 200g heavy cream (double cream)

  • 220g white chocolate

  • 2 tbsp of pistachio paste


  1. Add the pistachio paste to the cream in a pan

  2. Heat the cream and stop before boiling (80°C)

  3. Add the white chocolate away from direct heat

  4. Mix until you get an homogenous mixture

  5. Cool it down before putting it in the fridge overnight (if you don’t want to wait, put it in the freezer and check after 2 hours if it is at the right creamy consistency)


  • If you want to make your own pistachio paste, blend pistachio (75g) with 1tsp of condensed milk and 1 tsp of vanilla paste

  • If the cream is boiling, wait few seconds before melting the white chocolate in

  • Come to Mauderne's baking classes to learn the tips and secrets about how to make macarons at home