This is the perfect destination where you can discover an array of exquisite recipes for macarons and an assortment of other delectable desserts that Mauderne loves to showcase in its delightful baking classes and bespoke dessert orders.

Recipes Chef Matteo Recipes Chef Matteo

Spicy Dark Chocolate Macarons by Matteo

Follow this recipe to make a spicy dark chocolate macaron.

Chilli chocolate ganache

 For the macarons shells, please refer to this recipe

For approximately 30 macarons


  • 165g double cream

  • 1 red chilli

  • 35g of sugar

  • 200g dark chocolate

  • 50g butter


  1. Cut the butter in small dices

  2. Cut the dark chocolate in small pieces and put it in a bowl

  3. Bring the double cream to boil in a pan with the red chilli

  4. Remove the red chilli from the cream

  5. Poor the cream on the chocolate in 3 times and stir until you get a smooth ganache texture

  6. Cool it down to 50°c and add the butter

  7. Whisk until getting a smooth and glossy ganache

  8. Put a clear film over the surface of the filling and keep in the fridge overnight before using


  • Use a spatula and not a whisker to whisk the ganache. This is the key secret for the success of this filling.

  • For any ganache with dark chocolate, leave it 30-min ( depends of the temperature of the room) outside so the ganache is no too hard to pipe

  • Depending on how spicy you like your food, you can put the chili overnight in the cream before heating it.

  • Come to Mauderne's baking classes to learn the tips and secrets about this delicious fillings for macarons

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Recipes Chef Maud Recipes Chef Maud

Dark Chocolate and Raspberry Macarons

Follow this recipe to make a delicious sharp dark chocolate and raspberry macaron.

dark chocolate raspberry macaron


For the macarons shells, please refer to this recipe

For approximately 30 macarons


  • 200g double cream

  • 180g dark chocolate

  • 60g raspberry extra jam

  • 70g slightly salted butter


  1. Cut the butter in small dices

  2. Cut the dark chocolate in small pieces and put it in a bowl

  3. Bring the double cream to boil in a pan

  4. Poor the cream on the chocolate in 3 times and stir until you get a smooth ganache texture

  5. Add the raspberry jam

  6. Cool it down to 50°c and add the butter

  7. Whisk until getting a smooth and glossy ganache

  8. Put a clear film over the surface of the filling and keep in the fridge overnight before using


  • Use a spatula and not a whisker to whisk the ganache. This is the key secret for the success of this filling.

  • Add in the center of the macaron a fresh raspberry than can full with homemade jam and surrounding by the chocolate ganache

  • Come to Mauderne's baking classes to learn the tips and secrets about this delicious fillings for macarons

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Recipes Chef Maud Recipes Chef Maud

Salted Caramel Macarons

Follow this recipe to make a delicious and original macaron based on a homemade salted-butter caramel.


For approximately 30 macarons


  • 150 g caster sugar

  • 167 g whipping cream

  • 65 g slightly salted butter

  • 145g softened butter


Make the salted caramel the day before

  1. Bring the whipping cream to boil.

  2. In another pan, melt the sugar 50g per 50g until you get a very dark amber colour.

  3. Take the pan off the heat and add the salted butter.

  4. Stir with a spatula while adding the boiled cream little by little.

  5. Put the pan back on low heat until it boils again and stir from time to time

  6. Poor into a bowl

  7. Press clingfilm over the surface

  8. Keep in the fridge overnight

On the d-day

  1. Soften the butter for 8 minutes in the stand mixer

  2. Add the cream half at a time while beating

  3. Once homogenous, put the cream in a piping bag - It’s ready to fill your macarons


  • Do not hesitate to try it, this filling is irresistible

  • Come to Mauderne's cookery classes to learn the tips and secrets about this salted caramel macarons recipe

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Recipes Chef Maud Recipes Chef Maud

Supernut Macarons

Follow this recipe to make a delicious and original macaron based on hazelnut and almond paste.

nut macarons


For approximately 30 macarons


  • 50 g cacao butter

  • 350 g Valrhona Almond & Hazelnut Praline Paste

  • 150 g slightly slated butter


  1. Put the cocoa butter to melt in a bain-marie.

  2. Mix in the robot with Almond & Hazelnut Praline Paste. Then pour into a dish and keep refrigerated.

    The next day, finish the cream praline.

  3. To do this, mix the butter for 5 minutes then gradually add the praline-cocoa butter mixture.

  4. It is read to use or to be kept in the fridge before using it


  • Do not hesitate to try it, this filling is irresistible

  • Come to Mauderne's cooking classes to learn the tips and secrets about this supernut macaron

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Recipes Chef Maud Recipes Chef Maud

Raspberry and Cream Macarons

Follow this recipe to make a delicious raspberry and cream macaron.

Raspberry macarons.jpg


For the macarons shells, please refer to this recipe

For approximately 30 macarons


  • 114g eggs

  • 50g caster sugar

  • 170g raspberry coulis

  • 175g slightly salted butter

  • 40g almond flour


  1. Make your own raspberry coulis

  2. Mix in a bowl the eggs, sugar and raspberry coulis

  3. Bring the mixture to 83/84°C using bain-marie technique and keep stirring

  4. When the mix is about (60°C) add the butter

  5. Stir until you get an homogenous mixture

  6. Add the almond and stir until the mixture is homogenous

  7. Blend with a hand bendler for 10min

  8. Pour the cream in a recipient

  9. Put a clear film over the surface of the filling and keep in the fridge overnight before using


  • Keep stirring and keep an eye on step 4. This is the key secret for the success of this filling.

  • Come to Mauderne's cooking classes to learn the tips and secrets about this delicious fillings for macarons

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Recipes Chef Maud Recipes Chef Maud

Pistachio Butter Cream Ganache For Macarons

Follow this recipe to make a delicious and nutty pistachio butter cream for the filling of your macarons.


Filling for approximately 30 macarons

You can find the recipe of the outside macarons here


  • 200g unsalted butter

  • 130g icing sugar

  • 80g almond powder

  • 50g of pistachio powder

  • 40g of pistachio paste


  1. Leave the butter outside to get a pommade consistency

  2. Blend pistachio and almond powder together

  3. Mix 'pommade' butter and icing sugar until removing and icing sugar crumbles

  4. Add pistachio and almond powder as well as the paste

  5. Pour your delicious pistachio cream in a piping bag

  6. Keep it in the fridge until using it


  • You can buy whole almond and pistachios and make your own powder

  • You can make your own pistachio paste with fresh pistachio (not the salted one) that you blend with some concentrated milk.

  • Keep in the fridge at least for 4 hours before using it

  • Come to Mauderne's cooking classes to learn the tips and secrets about a nutty pistachio flavoured filling

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