This is the perfect destination where you can discover an array of exquisite recipes for macarons and an assortment of other delectable desserts that Mauderne loves to showcase in its delightful baking classes and bespoke dessert orders.

Recipes Chef Maud Recipes Chef Maud

Salted Caramel Macarons

Follow this recipe to make a delicious and original macaron based on a homemade salted-butter caramel.


For approximately 30 macarons


  • 150 g caster sugar

  • 167 g whipping cream

  • 65 g slightly salted butter

  • 145g softened butter


Make the salted caramel the day before

  1. Bring the whipping cream to boil.

  2. In another pan, melt the sugar 50g per 50g until you get a very dark amber colour.

  3. Take the pan off the heat and add the salted butter.

  4. Stir with a spatula while adding the boiled cream little by little.

  5. Put the pan back on low heat until it boils again and stir from time to time

  6. Poor into a bowl

  7. Press clingfilm over the surface

  8. Keep in the fridge overnight

On the d-day

  1. Soften the butter for 8 minutes in the stand mixer

  2. Add the cream half at a time while beating

  3. Once homogenous, put the cream in a piping bag - It’s ready to fill your macarons


  • Do not hesitate to try it, this filling is irresistible

  • Come to Mauderne's cookery classes to learn the tips and secrets about this salted caramel macarons recipe

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