Sicilian Lemon Macarons

lemon lime macarons


For the macarons shells, please refer to this recipe

For approximately 30 macarons


  • 113g eggs

  • 100g caster sugar

  • 80g fresh lemon juice

  • 4g zest of unwaxed lemon

  • 175g slightly salted butter

  • 50g almond flour


  1. Make your own lemon juice

  2. Rub sugar with the zest

  3. Mix in a bowl the eggs, sugar and lemon juice

  4. Bring the mixture to 83/84°C using bain-marie technique and keep stirring

  5. When the mix is about (60°C) add the butter

  6. Stir until you get an homogenous mixture

  7. Add the almond and stir until the mixture is homogenous

  8. Blend with a hand bendler for 10min

  9. Pour the cream in a recipient

  10. Put a clear film over the surface of the filling and keep in the fridge overnight before using


Chef Maud

Hello! I’m Maud. In April 2018. I founded Mauderne Baking School. I’m a French food lover with a special and unique affection to pastry. I’m dedicated about sharing my passion for pastry. “I want to make pastry and cooking classes accessible to everyone even with no past experience.”


Mauderne Marie-Antoinette Cake


How To Make Basic Macarons Shells