This is the perfect destination where you can discover an array of exquisite recipes for macarons and an assortment of other delectable desserts that Mauderne loves to showcase in its delightful baking classes and bespoke dessert orders.

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Mauderne Marie-Antoinette Cake

Follow this recipe to make a delicious and explosive in flavour Marie-Antoinette cake

A revisited version of the traditional Victoria sponge cake with French twists!

I created this recipe after teaching a vanilla and strawberry macarons baking class. I had some double cream and strawberry jam left so I thought why not doing a light and fluffy cake with this. Marie-Antoinette Cake was born!

For a 20 cm round cake tin with 4cm height



  • 20g melted butter for the cake tin

  • 160g eggs

  • 90g caster sugar

  • 20g melted butter

    Zesty Strawberry Jam (can also be used for your macarons filling)

  • 1kg of strawberry

  • peels of 1 unwaxed lemon

  • juice of 1 lemon

  • 100g sugar

  • 8g agar-agar

    Vanilla chantilly

  • 150ml double cream

  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla powder

  • 2 tbsp. icing sugar

    Zesty Lime Syrup

  • fresh juice of 1 lime

  • zest of 1 unwaxed lime

  • 100g caster sugar

  • 100g water


Zesty Strawberry Jam

  • Add all ingredients (except agar-argar) into a saucepan and simmer on low heat for 15 min

  • Blend it to get a smooth fruit coulis

  • Put it back in the saucepan, sprinkle the agar-gar, bring to boil

  • Stir for another 5min at medium heat to activate the jellification of the jam

  • Pour the jam in a recipient

  • Put a clear film over the surface of the filling and keep in the fridge for an hour

  • Before using blend it again to get a smooth texture that will be easy to spread on the cake


  • Generously brush your cake tin with melted butter

  • In a bowl, beat the eggs and the sugar in a bain-marie until obtaining a light cream colored ruban texture. Stay under 45°C and then remove from the bain-marie

  • Add the melted butter

  • Delicately incorporate the sifted flour

  • Pour the mix in the cake tin and bake at 180°C for 20 minutes

  • Turn onto a cooling rack and leave to cool completely.

  • Half horizontally into two equal round cakes

    Vanilla Chantilly

  • While your génoise is cooling down, beat the whipped cream with the icing sugar and the vanilla powder until getting a chantilly texture

  • Film to contact in a recipient and keep it in the fridge until using it

    Zesty Lime Syrup

  • Add all ingredients in a saucepan

  • Bring to boil and keep on the heat until sugar has dissolved

  • Remove from heat, let it cool down a bit to room temperature before using

Final steps: Building up your Marie-Antoinette cake

  • Use a brush to soak the lime syrup on each halves

  • Spread the jam over both halves

  • Spread the chantilly on the bottom half

  • Sandwich the second sponge on top with the jam at its bottom

  • Dust with a little icing sugar before serving

  • Keep in an airtight container and eat within 2 days


  • You can replace the zest by vanilla powder if you’re not a fan of citrus

  • You can replace 15g of flour by cacao powder for a cacao version of this cake

  • Use a smaller 16cm tin if you want your cake to be higher

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Sicilian Lemon Macarons

Follow this recipe to make a delicious and original zesty cream for your lemon macarons

lemon lime macarons


For the macarons shells, please refer to this recipe

For approximately 30 macarons


  • 113g eggs

  • 100g caster sugar

  • 80g fresh lemon juice

  • 4g zest of unwaxed lemon

  • 175g slightly salted butter

  • 50g almond flour


  1. Make your own lemon juice

  2. Rub sugar with the zest

  3. Mix in a bowl the eggs, sugar and lemon juice

  4. Bring the mixture to 83/84°C using bain-marie technique and keep stirring

  5. When the mix is about (60°C) add the butter

  6. Stir until you get an homogenous mixture

  7. Add the almond and stir until the mixture is homogenous

  8. Blend with a hand bendler for 10min

  9. Pour the cream in a recipient

  10. Put a clear film over the surface of the filling and keep in the fridge overnight before using


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Virgin Mojito Macarons

Follow this recipe to make a virgin mojito cream for your summer macarons

virgin mojito macaron


For the macarons shells, please refer to this recipe

For approximately 30 macarons


  • 113g eggs

  • 100g caster sugar

  • 80g fresh lime juice

  • 4g zest of unwaxed lime

  • 10g of chopped fresh mint

  • 175g slightly salted butter

  • 50g almond flour


  1. Make your own lime juice

  2. Rub sugar with the zest and the chopped mint

  3. Mix in a bowl the eggs, sugar and lime juice

  4. Bring the mixture to 83/84°C using bain-marie technique and keep stirring

  5. When the mix is about (60°C) add the butter

  6. Stir until you get an homogenous mixture

  7. Add the almond and stir until the mixture is homogenous

  8. Blend with a hand bendler for 10min

  9. Pour the cream in a recipient

  10. Put a clear film over the surface of the filling and keep in the fridge overnight before using


  • For the ones who like rum, replace 10g of lime juice with 5cl of white rum.

  • Come to Mauderne's cooking classes to learn the tips and secrets about an onctuous lemon filling for your zesty macarons.

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Lime And Lemon Ganache For Macarons

Follow this recipe to make a delicious and refreshing lime/lemon cream for the filling of your macarons.

Lime and Lemon.jpg

For approximately 30 macarons


  • 100g mascarpone cream

  • 140g icing sugar

  • 1 lime zest

  • 1 lemon zest


  1. Grate the lime and the lemon to get small pieces of their skin

  2. Add the zest and icing sugar to the mascarpone

  3. Mix until you get an homogenous mixture

  4. Cool it down before putting it in the fridge overnight (if you don’t want to wait, put it in the freezer and check after 2 hours if it is at the right creamy consistency)


  • Make sure to wash and dry the citrus before grating

  • Don't grate too much, we should only take the first zest

  • Keeping in the fridge before using will intensify the flavour

  • Come to Mauderne's cooking classes to learn the tips and secrets about a refreshing lemon flavoured filling

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Raspberry Jam For Macarons

Follow this recipe to make a tasteful and colourful raspberry jam for the filling of your macarons.


For approximately 30 macarons


  • 300g fresh raspberries

  • 1 tbsp of sugar

  • 1 tbsp of fresh lemon squeezed

  • 1 tbsp of Agar


  1. Blend the raspberries with the lemon juice and the sugar until you get a smooth puree

  2. Sift it to remove the pips of the raspberries

  3. Place the raspberry puree and add the tbsp of Agar in a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring with a wooden spoon

  4. Then simmer between 5 and 10 minutes

  5. Cool it down before putting it in the fridge for at least 3 hours. You should get a nice jam consistency.


  • You can mix and match the raspberry jam with another filling, e.g. vanilla ganache

  • You can add more or less agar depending on your preferred consistency

  • If you don't have time to make the raspberry jam from scratch, you can get a fruit puree. Make sure it does not contain more than 10% added sugar and nothing else than raspberries

  • Come to Mauderne's cooking classes to learn the tips and secrets about a tasteful raspberry filling

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